Toward A Smarter Enterprise
S marter Enterprise
您如何建立一个更敏捷、更灵活、更迅速地响应不断变化的市场的智慧企业?您可以尝试如何使您的组织 innovative 和适应变化?如果没有 shackles of bureaucracy,您将如何发展您的业务?什么将使您的企业对动态市场做出高度响应?如何在不投入巨资的情况下挑战强大的对手?在寻求高增长的同时,您将如何减少 uncertainty和风险?
我们可以通过a 商业模式创新“鱼群战略或浅滩战略(SOFS)”——最先进的管理研究和实践的综合来找到这些问题的答案。 Your business organization can be turned into a smarter enterprise with the school-of-fish strategy or shoaling formation nested具有千变万化的组织设计、模块化价值链、共生过程和产品市场领域的动态配置。
不仅商业公司,而且政府和非政府组织实体都需要分解和分散战略,以变得更加灵活和响应迅速。浅滩和基于团队的组织设计将提高政府部门组织的响应能力 和敏捷性,从而提高其创新潜力。
追求鱼群战略的一系列行业中最成功的公司,包括WL Gore Associates、京瓷陶瓷、纽柯钢铁、谷歌、波士顿啤酒 (Samuel Adams)、耐克、苹果、甜水啤酒厂和丰田汽车_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_展示在我们的研究文章和网站中。 Uber 和 Airbnb 是 21 世纪的企业,在互联网、移动通信架构和 GPS 的帮助下建立在 shoaling 模型上。您将在此处找到 a 实施鱼群策略的技术和说明的集合。
我们打算接触全球技术专家、企业家、商业爱好者、政府官员、非政府组织和环保主义者,并为他们提供创意、国际商业教育、金融 & 投资知识、组织设计方法、多nation 文化意识,以及最先进的管理和战略模型。我们的目标是 在没有任何性别、收入或种族偏见的情况下覆盖尽可能多的有进取心的个人。鱼群是与我们的努力自然契合的战略设计和商业模式的创新配置。
小型企业风险 面临由于缺乏规模经济而面临的挑战, 资本、资源或全球影响力。尤其是在制造业和技术型的初创企业中,小企业有成本劣势,打破行业、文化和制度壁垒是a serious challenge 对于小企业。几乎禁止新生、中小型企业进行全球业务。鱼类战略学院提供 克服这些挑战的新观点和策略。在互联网和数字革命的时代,鱼谋学院提供实用的模型 来实施竞争策略。我们进行研究,组织有现金奖励的商业创意竞赛,为目标受众提供数据访问。
大型企业和政府 entities 也需要重组和重新思考,以克服动态技术和复杂波动市场的挑战。鱼战略学院为建立有效和响应迅速的组织设计和文化提供了创造性的途径。
Culture is to a company as community is to a city: it's about values, innovation, serendipity, participation, upward mobility, and attraction of smart startups and the creative class. Tony Hsieh is applying his successful Zappos corporate culture model to help build the most community-focused large city in the world in the place you would least expect it: downtown Las Vegas.
Some of the greatest discoveries, innovations and inventions have come about by chance encounters. But they wouldn’t have happened if the environment to stimulate chance encounters wasn’t created. Richard believes in spontaneity and serendipity. http://www.virgin.com/richard-branson/launching-a-high-tech-product-is-as-easy-as-screwing-in-a-lightbulb
As Kyocera rapidly developed and grew in scale, Dr. Kazuo Inamori wanted to build an organization where he could share the joys as well as the heavy responsibilities of management. This led him to divide the company into small, organized units, which he called "amoebas." [...] Read more...
Culture is to a company as community is to a city: it's about values, innovation, serendipity, participation, upward mobility, and attraction of smart startups and the creative class. Tony Hsieh is applying his successful Zappos corporate culture model to help build the most community-focused large city in the world in the place you would least expect it: downtown Las Vegas.