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Failure of Law / Justice in U.S. & Mass shootings: Is Your University/ Community Victim of Violence

Writer's picture: Senthil KumarSenthil Kumar

Is your family or community the victim of gun violence in the United States? Given the spate of violence across the United States, Please read this report based on complaints filed with the FBI, U.S. Courts, and Department of Homeland Security under penalty of perjury oath. And educate your fellow citizens.

Terror, crime, and Drug Hosting Agents around University towns. This report is based on what was witnessed around the towns where large universities are located. Bowling Green, Ohio; and Macon, Georgia; I happened to work as a Professor in the Universities located closer to these towns. There may be other towns or universities too with similar scenarios and replication of incidents reported here connected to violence, mass shooting, and hate crimes.

I am reporting these for the benefit of the general public because I had witnessed 911 hijackers playing around university campuses way back in 1998, and 1999 in Oklahoma - two years before the 2001 terror attack in the United States. Now, It appears another terror and drug cartel network being built around University towns. That is why I am posting this complaint in the interest of the general public since the top management of my former employers (Universities) covered it up and forced me not to report the observed civil rights violations and curtailed the whistleblowing rights of employees and students. And these employers may be scuttling civil rights and violating the constitutional rights and obligations of students and faculty costing innocent lives.

The echo-radio broadcast that I report in these complaints claims all kinds of terror activities including bioterrorism, sabotage, plane crashes, and claims associations with many terror groups or govt. agencies (like ISIS, RAW, Kuk Klux, Military, airforce, Republicans, drug cartels, and political and militant outfits in Russia, south Asia) ..and claims these broadcasts, and use of laser and tasers on students are experiments and warfare against young Americans. This echo broadcast appear to hack students emails and records, and target them with hazing, mocking, and shouting like get your gear and shoot, and other racial slur abuse in the guise of military and foreign terror outfits.

These broadcasts are coordinated with strangers - which include terror and drug cartel agents from South Asian region - being brought to the university towns and driving around without any valid driving or travel documents. The echo broadcast even uses the voices of political leaders such as Presidents Obama, Trump, George Bush, and Cheney. This echo broadcast mentions ties with radical groups in cities worst affected by terrorist violence such as Mumbai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, and Delhi (all major cities in India).

Then administrators (University President/Provost, Business School Dean) at Bowling Green State University and Middle Georgia State University - where I was serving as a Professor - knew about such experiments and the use of such pain-causing lasers and tasers and broadcasting hatred messages and racial slurs - which were tested on students and aggravating them. When I reported incidents of the gun-wielding student, theft, and hazing, they not only refused to take action, but rather wrote memos against reporting these instances to the police and security agencies. No signal of action and not even a reply from the US DHS either despite more than 100 mass shooting incidents with similar disruptions being reported in the newspapers over many of these incidents.

Following is the summary of my complaints.

Since 2010 while serving as a Professor in BGSU, I had witnessed a series of strangers including terror/drug accused and those on the wanted list being brought to Bowling Green, Ohio, and driving around the BGSU University campus without driving or travel permits. It appears that new terror networks are being assembled within the U.S. again. I also witnessed within my classes - especially classes with international students were targeted with sharp tasers/lasers and electromagnetic pulses causing pain, injury, and sleeplessness along with echoing radio transmitting racial slurs, inducing mass shootings (somebody broadcasting / shouting get your gear and shoot), and cacophonic sounds disturbing classes. After these instances repeated for several weeks and then I happened to see an angry student wandering with a gun. The echoing radio broadcast claims all sorts of incoherent messages of...they are terrorists, criminals, mafias, ISIS, Kuk Klux, military, air-force, RAW, drug gangs, and all that...

As a Professor, I reported these violations to the University police, the local Toledo, and Ohio FBI office, and the Court complex in Bowling Green, Ohio. I also filed complaints through the online portal of Homeland Security. For filing these complaints under oath on penalty of perjury and for performing my legal/citizenship responsibilities, I was told not to report. Then I decided to leave for another University to continue my career. And within a few weeks of my complaint at BGSU, a student was arrested for threatening professors in BGSU Business Administration building with a gun. The detained student complained of experiencing similar hazing activity with lasers and pulses causing him harm. But, the University administration and Human Resources at BGSU not only forced me not to report the violations inciting the students into violence and mass shootings but also allowed such broadcasts to continue without inquiry.

When I moved to Macon, Georgia to work in MGSU, similar disruptions happened there. This echo radio group claimed they would steal the property, and really robbed a motorcycle from a gated apartment community near Middle Georgia State University. And Middle Georgia State University officials then were writing a memo that one should not inquire or complain about theft and hazing activities. Both Bowling Green State University and Middle Georgia State University officials allowed similar radio broadcasts targeting students with racial slurs, and hateful messages mixing up with the voices of known and unknown persons. Following are officials who had full knowledge and were behind these episodes: Rodney Rogers, Madhu Rao, Herb McGrath, Amelia Carr, Fitzerald (BGSU).

These pulses and pain-causing rays or lasers and tasers appear to be coming from mobile towers, vehicles, drones, air force planes, or satellites, coupled with radio echo with a deliberate intention to create conflicts between fellow students, professors, and the community, and police officers.

The echo radio broadcasts and electromagnetic radiation appear to deliberately trigger violence with an electric lightning bolt of laser energy, broadcasting hatred, encouraging theft and racism, and causing misunderstanding between the students, professors, citizens, police officers, and the local community.

I have filed these reports to the civil rights commission, courts, and security under oath. No response has been forthcoming and these complaints have not been resolved. Since I filed my first complaint in 2011 more than 500 students and innocent people have been killed in mass shootings and newspapers reporting similar disruptions as the cause.

Since I filed the complaint in 2011, Several incidents of the hazing death of the student, students' mass-arrest, car crashes with drivers reporting laser/taser, and drug and gun violence have been reported around Bowling Green, Ohio, Michigan Ann Arbor, and Macon, Georgia. Now, the parents are fighting legal battles in some of these places.

Don't follow, listen, or get agitated by these broadcasts and electromagnetic pulses. Any stranger or pet can be aggravated against nearby persons. Educate, and take care of your children and community.



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