Designing a Shoaling Strategy
Strategy has been extensively addressed as unique positioning (cost leadership, differentiation, segment focused), gaining value addition...
Dis-aggregation and Shoaling: Adding Value to Shareholders Equity
We have heard a lot about Mergers, and their triumphs and travails. For every successful merger, there are two failures. While immediate...
All in One & One in All: Technology Convergence / Divergence and Disappearing Industry Borders
The conception of "industry" that we are used to in business lingua franca is fast becoming a noumenon (a non-perceivable reality). What...
Alcoa's Corporate Disaggregation
Alcoa (Aluminum Corporation of America) is a global leader in lightweight metals, engineering & manufacturing, Alcoa innovates...
School of Fish or Shoaling Strategy - An Introduction
"Shoaling or School of Fish Strategy is a strategic design or configuring of an organization's value chain and assets into smaller,...
Slice it or Sunder...What if Larger Public Firms are Sliced into Smaller ones...
Large firms are increasingly facing existential crisis. While knowledge and information era organizations are replacing industrial age...
Google Restructuring into A Shoaling Formation
Google's recent restructuring of the entire corporation into a collection of companies under the holding company called Alphabet can be...
Right Sizing and Shoaling: ALCOA to split into two separate publicly traded companies
ALCOA Another company to join the stream of companies doing right sizing and shoaling form of corporate governance. Metals firm Alcoa...
Build Smarter Company! Beat the Sharks!
Times have changed!, Scale economy is gone! Knowledge-era has come to stay! It has become inexorable for companies to continually adapt...
School of Fish or Shoaling as Effective Competitive Strategy
With the advent of new millennium, knowledge economy has taken stronger roots across many industries gradually replacing the scale...