Designing a Shoaling Strategy
Strategy has been extensively addressed as unique positioning (cost leadership, differentiation, segment focused), gaining value addition...
Dis-aggregation and Shoaling: Adding Value to Shareholders Equity
We have heard a lot about Mergers, and their triumphs and travails. For every successful merger, there are two failures. While immediate...
Why Shoaling is Better than Shark Strategy! Economically Speaking!
"Times have changed!, Scale economy is waning! Knowledge-era has come to stay! It has become inevitable for companies to continually...
All in One & One in All: Technology Convergence / Divergence and Disappearing Industry Borders
The conception of "industry" that we are used to in business lingua franca is fast becoming a noumenon (a non-perceivable reality). What...
Hewlett Packard’s Smarter Corporate Split
Hewlett Packard, after spanning eight decades of growth through mergers, joint ventures and global expansion, announced a corporate split...
Alcoa's Corporate Disaggregation
Alcoa (Aluminum Corporation of America) is a global leader in lightweight metals, engineering & manufacturing, Alcoa innovates...